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Mandala Number 6

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Category: Geometric
Tags: Geometric, Six

This Geometric picture is based on the number 6.  A bright orange 6-pointed Star of David (Magen David) is embedded in the central circle.  A smaller white Magen David is embedded in the hexagon that is the center of the orange Star.  The hexagon at the center of that white Magen David can be seen as a cube.  This motif is similar to the one I used in my picture 'The Holy Palace'. 

If you zoom-out with your gaze you will see another hexagon/cube with another Magen David inside it, and another larger one outside of it.  There are also 6 circles surrounding the central one.  I have been told that the playful patterns that I used to fill the outer parts of this painting are similar to patterns that are used by Indian in the Americas.

