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I call this picture Supernova because of its explosion of warm colors away from the cool center. 

"Supernovae are exploding stars. They represent the very final stages of evolution for some stars. Supernovae explosions release tremendous amounts of energy, about 1020 times as our Sun releases every second. Our Sun, fortunately, will not end its life as a supernova.

Currently, supernovae are only seen in galaxies other than the Milky Way. We know that supernovae have occurred in our Galaxy in the past, since both Tycho Brahe and his protege, Johannes Kepler, discovered bright supernovae occurring in the Milky Way in 1572 and 1604, respectively. However, no supernova has been seen in our Galaxy since Kepler's."

The Kabbalists of Tzfat might have seen the Supernova of 1572.  It would have suddenly appeared as a new star that could be seen for several months.  I wonder if the Kabbalists of that time were inspired by this spectacular celestial event and took it as a sign to reveal the Light of the Kabbalah to the world, as it says at the end of the Book of Daniel, "And the enlightened ones will radiate like the radiance of the firmament, and those who bring many to righteousness like stars forever more".
