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Grove of Olive Trees

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Category: Landscapes
Tags: trees, Zefat

There is a small grove of ancient olive trees outside of Zefat.  It is about a fifteen-minute walk from my house, after two or three hairpin turns on the dirt road that goes down to Wadi Amud.  I used to like to sit in this grove surrounded by these ancient trees and meditate or study Kabbalah.  These trees were certainly here when Rabbi Isaac Luria was in Zefat in the 16th Century, and maybe he sat and taught his students under these very same trees.
I took several photographs of this grove and its trees and made several paintings from the photographs.  For this picture I used watercolors and pencil.   The large tree on the left was almost two meters in diameter, it must be at least one thousand years old.  You can also see this tree in my picture, ‘Ancient Olive Tree’ and read about what happened to the trees in this lovely grove
