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Kosmic DNA

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When the Sefirot are presented in the Tanya (the classic text from the first Lubavitcher Rebbe) they are called 3 Mothers and 7 Doubles.  The 3 Mothers refer to the three higher Sefirot.  The Seven Doubles refer to the seven lower Sefirot.

However, the original source of the terms Three Mothers and Seven Doubles is the Sefer Yetzirah, where the 22 Hebrew Letters are presented as three groups - 3 Mothers, 7 Doubles and 12 Simples.

In this picture I joined both together and placed א in Keter (Crown), מ in Chochmah (Wisdom) and ש in Binah (Understanding) - these are the 3 Mothers

I placed ב in Chesed (Kindness),  ג  in Gevurah (Strength), ד in Tiferet (Beauty), כ in Netzach (Victory), פ  in Hod (Majesty), ר in Yesod (Foundation) and ת in Malchut (Kingship) -  these are the 7 Doubles. These Letters are called Doubles because they sometimes have a dot inside them and have a stronger sound when spoken; and sometimes they are without the dot and have a softer sound.

I included double-helix-like shapes here because the 10 Sefirot and the Hebrew Letters are like the spiritual 'DNA' of the Kosmos.
